Utemässan - Hem
Kategori - singel
Utemässan 2023 bjuder på spännande överraskningar

Kom och njut av Utemässan 2020 med jakt, fiske, hund, skog och knivar i fokus. Träffa människor som delar dina intressen!

Hej! Ta chansen att vara med på Utemässan 2023 med natur, djur och vildmark som gemensamt intresse. Vi som arrangerar denna mässa kommer att göra vårt yttersta för att överträffa dina förväntningar. Välkommen!
Mvh Susanne

Welcome to the Outdoor Exhibition 2020!

The Outdoor Exhibition of Lapland is the largest outdoor exhibition of northern Sweden, an event that runs in Lycksele every year during the last weekend of may. We want to create an inspiring meeting place that offers a whole weekend of activities.

Föreläsningar med kända profiler, prova-på-aktiviteter, barnområde, de senaste produkterna inom jakt och fiske, försäljning och visning av den senaste utrustningen och aktuella tillbehör för friluftsliv, närproducerat mathantverk, kreativa slöjdare och mängder av hundar är något av det som presenteras.

The Outdoor Exhibition is northern Sweden's largest outdoor exhibition with roughly 12 000 visitors and approximately 150 exhibitors.

Exhibition area

It's now official that the Outdoor Exhibition moves back to Gammplatsen, en vacker halvö i Lycksele ute i Umeälven.

The main categories of the exhibition



Hunting is an important part of the Outdoor exhibition and at the exhibition you will find the latest in all the segments you need for a good hunting experience. This year we can also offer the opportunity for trial shooting.


Since the exhibition is located next to the Umeå River, the fishing has its given place at the exhibition. It is a great place to showcase and share the latest in fishing.


The hunting dogs are an important and appreciated element of the exhibition and a number of exhibitions are held during the exhibition days. Sweden's largest elk dog show.


The forest industry accounts for about 12 per cent of Sweden's goods exports, but is also the central location for the Outdoor Exhibition's many activities, lectures and presentations of the latest in the off-road-section.

Wilderness & Leisure

Clothes, knives, accessories etc. are important for a successful outdoor life and at the Outdoor Fair you will find all this. Here you can also find out about the latest in ATV and car companies 4WD and Pick-up segments.

Knife Square

Our goal is to offer the largest and best knife square with a choice for both small and large hands in Northern Sweden. Here you take part of out what some of the country's best knife makers have created.