Utemässan - Hem
Kategori - singel
Recommended restaurants in Lycksele

Utemässan tipsar om restauranger och matställen i Lycksele med omnejd

Tips on restaurants in Lycksele and its surroundings

Restaurang Ansia

Restaurang Ansia

- Beautifully located along the Ume River
- Holds 175 people
- High ceilings & nice interior in "Skogskåtan"

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Restaurang 64-grader

Restaurang 64 grader

- locally produced raw food
- Unique environment
- Wines from all over the world

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Frasses i Lycksele


- Nordic hamburger franchise business
- Introduced "skrovmålet" to Sweden
- Unique with their strip spices

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stadskällarn stor


- centralt beläget i Lycksele
- Child friendly
- a´la carte meny, drinkar & kaffe

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Great Eastern Lycksele

Great Eastern

- Chinese restaurant
- Cantonese, Hakka, Szechwan m.m.
- Lunch and à la carte

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- In 1932, the first Sibylla sausage was served
- Good taste, high quality & satisfied customers
- Fast food for all tastes

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Restaurang 363:an

- In the village of Rusksele by beautiful Vindelälven
- Good homemade lunch or dinner
- Locally produced products & raw materials

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- Sportbar
- Ett stenkast från Hotell Lappland
-Hamburgare, Nachos, BBQ Ribs

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